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Ahmadiyya Muslims in Germany granted a new Status!

By the grace of Almighty Allah, after putting efforts for more than a decade,  the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Germany (AMJ) has been granted the status of a religious body which can now enjoy the public rights on same footing as enjoyed by the Christians and the Jews.
Ahmadiyya, probably is the first  to be granted such status amongst the Muslim organisations present in Germany. Currently status has been awarded in state of Hessen with the hope to have the same in whole of Germany.
It is an historic moment for the whole community.
In order to inform about more details AMJ Germany has organised a press conference at 11.00 hours on Thursday, 13.o6.2013 in its national headquarter premises located at Genferstr 11, 60437 Frankfurt am Mian. Further details will follow after the press conference.
Follwoing is the German text provided by the concerned department of AMJ Germany.
Die Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, die weltweit größte Reformbewegung innerhalb des Islam mit mehreren zehn Millionen Anhängern, hat als bisher einzige in Deutschland ansässige muslimische Religionsgemeinschaft den Status der ‘Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts’ zuerkannt bekommen. Um dieses historische Ereignis vorzustellen, lädt die Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat am Donnerstag, den 13. Juni 2013 um 11:00 Uhr zu einer Pressekonferenz in der Zentrale der Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Genfer Straße 11, 60347 Frankfurt am Main, ein.
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