According to the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan spokesperson, Saleem-ud Din, the circumstances surrounding the youngster’s killing are not yet clear.
Mr Din said he did not want to speculate without full and accurate information. “I will have further details and I will update tomorrow.”
"Please bear with me in the meantime and do not speculate without facts," the Ahmadiyya spokesperson further cautioned.
According to some unconfirmed reports in the social media, the victim was seen installing decorative lighting on the day of Eid Milad-un-Nabi, the Holy Prophet Muhammad's birthday, when he was killed.
Many rights groups say the Ahmadi killings are the direct result of a reckless disregard by Pakistani authorities of the hate-materials routinely published against Ahmadis which openly provoke and incite public to kill Ahmadis.
“Government should understand its duty and should stop the publishing of hate material against Ahmadis,” Saleemud Din had demanded in a community statement previously.
Origionaly posted here...