Recently an Ahmadi couple were denied permission to get married by the Religious Affairs Office in Indonesia’s West Java province, unless they agreed to convert to mainstream Islam. And last week, a blood donor event held by a group of Ahmadiyah in the same province was stopped by the authorities. Indonesia’s 200,000 Ahmadiyah people identify themselves as Muslim but hardline Islamic organisations have attacked them for not following mainstream Islamic practices. And in 2008, the Government announced a joint ministerial decree freezing the activities of Ahmadiyah followers. Many blame the decree for series of attacks against the Ahmadiyah. The United Nations’ Human Rights Chief has continuously urged the Indonesian government to tackle the problem. Citra Prastuti has more from Jakarta. Atep Upriyatna’s brother was recently refused permission to get married in the Religious Affairs Office in Tasikmalaya. The officials would only allow the marriage to go ahead if he converted...